Learn About Stable Coins For The Highest Yields Possible

 If you are new to Defi or Decentralized Finance in Crypto then this article ma enlighten and even amaze ou just a little. Why? Because you have been told that the highest return on conservative money is under50% or of course there are CD's and Bonds that might give you a little more if you lock you fiat dollars up. However, there are highest yields that you can get 

Why Do I Use The Word Yields Instead of Returns on Your Dollars?

In Crypto it is not just about what you get in a interest rate. You see with banks there are a lot of companies with their hands out in every single deal. There is big overhead with all the different branches and employees etc. Fiat dollar returns are contingent on a lot of different things. However in crypto those that provide liquidity are given yields back every single day. This is in turn prompts them to reinvest or compund these returns just about single day. By compounding their investment can grow much fast even though there is a slight fee such a .12 cents per transaction But these add up for the crypto protocol and they cut you in on these fees. Banks do not cut you in on their fees and most only offer an apr anyway.

This is why liquidity providers in crypto such as you and me can do great with yields by supplying crypto for the projects to work with. Everybody wins instead of just the banks. It is to my benefit to compound my interest everyday and I don;t mind 12 cents to do this. 


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