
Showing posts from February, 2022

Learn About Stable Coins For The Highest Yields Possible

 If you are new to Defi or Decentralized Finance in Crypto then this article ma enlighten and even amaze ou just a little. Why? Because you have been told that the highest return on conservative money is under50% or of course there are CD's and Bonds that might give you a little more if you lock you fiat dollars up. However, there are highest yields that you can get  Why Do I Use The Word Yields Instead of Returns on Your Dollars? In Crypto it is not just about what you get in a interest rate. You see with banks there are a lot of companies with their hands out in every single deal. There is big overhead with all the different branches and employees etc. Fiat dollar returns are contingent on a lot of different things. However in crypto those that provide liquidity are given yields back every single day. This is in turn prompts them to reinvest or compund these returns just about single day. By compounding their investment can grow much fast even though there is a slight fee such a

Understanding How You Get A Percentage of The Pool as Part of Your Yield on Staked Money

 If you have not entered into a pool then you might be a little cautious as you don't understand how you can get such a high yield on the money that you stake 1st of all most pools want you to submit two tokens These two tokens create 1 LP token . For example if you were going to submit coins to Trader Joe XYZ Stable Coin Pool then you will be asked to submit the two tokens shown. For example it might me Avax (Avalanche) and also DAI. You will go to pool and find this combination (assuming you alread have an equal of amount of these two coins ready to stake If not you need to go to trade and exchange Avax or any other coin held on the AVAX chain to get the two equal amounts of tokens) Now once in the pool section you hit max and enter in the top right of the main part of the page. This will take two clicks and you will be in the pool This is called providing liquidity. But you are not done You will will now need to find the farm under the farm tabs that has these two tokens. You w

A Lot Of Ways To Make Passive Income In Cryptos - Some Sustainable and Some Probably Not

Starting Defi In Crypto For Passive Income  As of today 2.16.22 the adoption of bitcoin is becoming more well known. Russia and India have announced how they plan to play a part in crypto with regards to taxes and mining with Russia stating that they want to be one of the largest miners of Bitcoin Today Conoco Philips announced they will be selling natural gas to bitcoin miners out west in the USA to foray into crypto mining - mining is the actual hashing or computer part of the Bitcoin smart contract. The node will actually store pieces of the contact.  Many of the main players in traditional finance are starting to get into bitcoin and cryptos including Fidelity. The main credit card companies are working fast to get their credit cards out that give 15% back in bitcoin. Remember in the last 5 years the US dollar lost 97% of its purchasing power against bitcoin. That is a staggering number One of the best plays in crypto is the passive income side However, if you don't know what

Learn More About How You Can Beat Banks By Getting 20% Guaranteed APR on Your Money

What You Don't Know About the Best Maximum Yields Is Costing You Money Money in he bank is costing you. It is that simple. A couple of years ago most people would tell you it is the safest place to keep your money. But those same people don't tell you about the affects of inflation on your money. As I write this inflation is literally smoldering but still even with normal inflation of 3% that is what the dollar is losing every single year. This includes the money that you have in the bank.  What About The Stock Market? I personally have money in the stock market. However, this is a blog post about investing in stable coin yields which are on par with money in the bank, bonds, CD's and similar. These are much more safe investments in that the primary invested value does not go down. The risk with these assets is simply that you don't make enough on your money to cover average year to year inflation. With CD's an Bank interest rates you are losing money unless you are