
Showing posts from March, 2022

Echidna Updates For Stable Coin Yields on 3.7.22

 For those that are looking for the best stable coin yields on USDC, USDC.e, USDT, USDT.e an DAI.e - we will dive into Echidna today to learn more about what they offer at today's yields and also what they might be offering in the future.  1) If you are brand new then there are couple of things that you might to learn. 1st of all learn about metamask - which is your personal wallet. Remember that when dealing in cryptos you hold your own wallet when you work with decentralized exchanges. This is very important. There is no email login. So take the time and learn about meta mask and how it works. Understand how important it is to write down the keys to your meta mask wallet in several places that are not accessible online. This is VERY IMPORTANT. There are a lot of great youtube videos explain meta mask. 2) Also important to understand that the Echidna Protocol is built on the avalanche network. This means that you will be dealing with the Avalanche C Chain. (not ethereum, not luna,

Yields on Stable Coins Will Beat Your Bank Interest Rates Including CD's by A Lot ( 20 to 50 x)

 How To Get The Best Yields On Stable Coins In Crypto? For most of the years that I have been investing the Holy Grail was always finding the best CD on bank interest rates so that none of your money was at risk. I can remember several years ago that people were literally going nuts over 3.5% CD's. You put in $100,000 and you get $3,500 at the end of the year. This is referred to as an APR. Pretty good hey. Well, yes and well no not at all if you understand what is you available to you out there today. But remember yields in crypto are different than interest rates from banks. If you do not know of understand what Stable Coins are or maybe any crypto assets then it is really important that you take the time to understand, learn and do some research into how crypto works. Find out what each use case is for some of the main cryptos like Avalanche, Cardano and Ethereum to name a few. Learn about Bitcoin as a digital asset. In this process you will learn about stable coins. In a nut s